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Dubai traffic: Could the answer to Dubai’s congestion problems be in UAE schools?

Dubai traffic: Could the answer to Dubai’s congestion problems be in UAE schools?

by Editorial TeamMay 23, 2024

Easing traffic congestion in Dubai is taking a brand-new turn, and government officials have hinted that schools have an important role to play. New traffic reducing initiatives are being introduced for every sector of business and society, across Dubai. For families with school-aged children, the most significant of these will be getting more students to hop aboard Dubai’s iconic yellow school buses. Even the most conservative estimates indicate that such a move could improve traffic flow around schools by a whopping 13 percent.

School Run Incentives

Certainly, the school-run is an often complained about aspect of life in Dubai, and commends a move to more shared transportation. An increase in bus routes have already been a hit at Dubai International Academy, Al Barsha. The school’s Principal, Ian Thurston, told the school has already implemented a policy around bus use. “We have increased the number of bus routes by 12% this year to improve efficiency and reduce travel times with competitive prices for the year. We hope this has incentivised parents to consider this mode of transport,” he stated.

In addition to more school buses, the Dubai’s new traffic plan includes the development of priority public bus routes, aiming to improve trip times by up to 59 percent. The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has announced plans to expand Dubai’s network of dedicated bus lanes to over 20 kilometres, with completion expected between 2025 and 2027.

School bus fees rise in 2022 adding to cost of living crisis for parents

Dubai’s Iconic Yellow School Buses

Another key point is that buses aren’t the only transportation effort where schools can have impact. At Dubai International Academy, Emirates Hills, parents support the school leadership in reducing congestion. “Our parent representative group, PADIA, encourages carpooling among families, and that helps us to reduce traffic congestion,” said Hitesh Bhagat, Principal of Dubai International Academy Emirates Hills.

The Solution: Beyond Buses

Beyond buses, there’s still more that schools can be doing to reduce Dubai traffic. Dubai’s traffic reduction initiative has also highlighted the significance of staggered start and end times for schools.

By flexing start and end times, schools can significantly reduce their impact on peak hour Dubai traffic. Such flexibility  reduces pressures on traffic pinch points, and also reflects the trend towards flexible working hours for adults. Across Dubai, this benefit is already in place for children at Raffles Early Childhood Centres.

Lisa Marie Hudson, Director of the Raffles Early Childhood Centres, noted, “At Raffles Early Childhood Centres, we offer a range of flexible pick-up times, which mean that parents and carers come from 2 pm onwards to collect their children. We ensure that at times of heavier traffic our facilities teams are available to support the flow of traffic and ensure that parents have a stress-free time.”


Staff are on Hand to Support at Raffles Early Childhood Cenrtes

Staff are on Hand to Support at Raffles Early Childhood Centres

Save Commuting Time, Online?

While bricks and mortar schools still educate most of Dubai’s children, online schools, such as Kings InterHigh, also present a promising solution to traffic woes.

Significantly, learning from home cuts out the need for any school run at all. Tahoora Khalil Urehman of online British curriculum school King’s InterHigh highlighted, “Promoting virtual schooling as a sustainable alternative does not solely rest on the environmental benefits of reducing daily commutes. It also opens the door to rethinking and reshaping the educational infrastructure to support a more eco-conscious future.

“As students swap their backpacks for laptops within the comfort of their homes, the planet breathes a sigh of relief. The environmental benefits of this shift are considerable, touching on various aspects of carbon emissions and fuel consumption. Every school day, millions of vehicles hit the road, chauffeuring students to and from campuses across cities and towns. Virtual schooling eliminates the need for these daily journeys, dramatically reducing the volume of vehicular emissions.”

Kings InterHigh student Alexander D’Souza at his version of school

Schools: A Pivotal Role in Ending Traffic Woes

Dubai’s new traffic plan is a direct response to the rapid growth and development of the Emirate and is aimed at improving quality of life for all. Schools, in particular, will play a pivotal role in this effort, a point underscored by Steven Giles, Principal of Raffles International School. “Dubai is growing so fast that of course traffic will grow in correlation. As a school, we do not suffer from congestion around the school as much as others may and this is certainly a selling point for parents. I see the queues at some schools and wonder how the parents do it every day!”

Unified Efforts for a Sustainable Future

Evidently, by involving schools, parents, and the wider community in initiatives designed to improve Dubai traffic, Dubai’s leadership is setting a precedent for a collaborative approach to urban planning and sustainability. Typical of Dubai’s rather special, and united community, such effort is essential for reducing traffic congestion and for bringing about a more sustainable, connected society.

Find Out More…

Get Live Dubai Traffic information from TomTom: HERE

Find out more about Raffles Early Childhood Centres: HERE

Visit King’s InterHigh

Raffles International School Website

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