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UAE IB Results Day 2024: The Ultimate Guide to Launching Your Child’s Future

UAE IB Results Day 2024: The Ultimate Guide to Launching Your Child’s Future

by Editorial TeamJune 21, 2024

The International Baccalaureate (IB) exam results day is fast approaching, bringing with it the annual whirlwind of emotions and anticipation! For both IB Diploma and IB Career Programme students, this milestone is the culmination of years of work, and a launch pad to the future.

We’ve put together what we think is the ultimate guide to help you navigate the IB results day smoothly. Read on for all the information you need…

When and How IB Results Are Released

Date and Time: IB results for the Diploma Programme and Career-related Programme will be released on Saturday, July 6, 2024. The exact time may vary slightly depending on where you are in the world on results day, so it’s essential to check the specific details provided by your child’s school.

Accessing Results: Students will receive their results online. They will need to log in to the IB’s candidate results website using the credentials provided by their school. Results can be accessed HERE. The team suggest you ensure that your child has these details well in advance, and that they have tested their login to avoid any last-minute issues and stress!

Celebrate IB Results Day with

Each and every member of the team will be on call throughout IB results day and together we will be sharing all the excitement, news and stories…in real time!  Be sure to bookmark to ensure you don’t miss a moment.  

Understanding the Scores: The IB diploma

Scores range from 1 to 7 for each subject, with the total score ranging up to 45 points, including bonus points for Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and the Extended Essay (EE). A score of 24 points is generally the minimum required to be awarded the IB Diploma, though this can vary slightly based on specific criteria.

Understanding the Scores: IB Career-related Programme

The IB Career-related Programme (CP) is designed to provide students with a rigorous academic foundation along with career-related qualifications. On results day, CP students will receive their scores for both the academic subjects and the career-related studies. It’s important to understand that the CP is assessed not just on traditional exams but also on the completion of the Reflective Project, language development, and service learning.

What Does a Grade of ‘P’/’N’ Mean?

Grade ‘P’: A ‘P’ next to any subject taken means that the grade is still pending. This could be due to various administrative or evaluative reasons, and it generally indicates that the final grade has not yet been determined.

Grade ‘N’: An ‘N’ next to any subject taken means that the IB has not been able to provide a grade for this subject as all requirements have not been met. This could happen if some components of the assessment were missing or not submitted properly. Students should contact their school’s DP/CP coordinator for further information and assistance.


IB Results Day: The Emotional Rollercoaster

Results day can be an emotional rollercoaster. Whether the results are as expected, better, or worse, it’s important for all involved to remain calm and for parents to be as supportive as possible. More than the results, our top tip is to focus on celebrating the effort and dedication your child has shown throughout the IB program.

Handling Unexpected Results

Better Than Expected Results

Celebrate and Acknowledge: Take the time to celebrate your child’s hard work and success. Acknowledge their dedication and the effort they have put in over the years.
Revisit University Options: If your child’s results exceed their predicted grades, it may open up opportunities at universities they previously thought out of reach. Encourage them to consider whether they want to adjust their plans or applications accordingly.

IB Results

Unexpected results can leave students feeling confused.

Worse Than Expected Results

Stay Calm and Supportive: It’s natural to feel disappointed, but it’s important to focus on being supportive. Your child will likely be feeling the weight of the results, and your calm and positive demeanor can help them process the outcome.

Explore Options: There are several routes to consider if the results are lower than expected:

  1. University Admissions: Many universities are understanding of IB results and may still offer a place, especially if the student’s overall application is strong. Contact the admissions offices to discuss the situation.
  2. Remarks and Re-evaluations: If your child feels that their results do not accurately reflect their performance, they can request a remark. Consult with their teachers to determine if this is a viable option.
  3. Retakes: Students have the option to retake exams in specific subjects. While this can be a challenging decision, it may provide an opportunity to improve their scores and achieve their academic goals.

Appealing Results (or Having Exams Remarked)

Appealing Results: If your child believes that their results do not accurately reflect their performance, they have the right to appeal. This process involves requesting a re-evaluation of their marks. The appeal should be made through the school’s DP/CP coordinator, who will guide you through the steps and required documentation.

Having Exams Remarked: A remark involves a senior examiner reviewing the exam papers to ensure that the original marking was accurate. This process can sometimes lead to an increase or decrease in marks. To initiate a remark, contact the school’s DP/CP coordinator promptly, as there are usually strict deadlines for such requests.

Appealing IB Results: A Word of Warning

It’s vital that students and parents alike remember that whether appealing for a remark or retaking an exam – results can go up as well as down!

Heading to Uni in the UK: What is ‘Clearing’?

Clearing is a system used by UK universities to fill any remaining places on their courses. It provides an opportunity for students who did not receive offers or who did not meet the conditions of their offers to find available courses.

IB results clearing

University students moving into their student accommodation.  Many will have passed through the clearing system.

How to Use The Clearing System:

Check Availability: Once the IB results are released, students can check the UCAS website to see which courses have vacancies.
Contact Universities: If your child finds a course they are interested in, they should contact the university directly to discuss their application. Be ready to provide their IB results and other relevant information.
Accepting an Offer: If the university offers a place, your child will need to add the Clearing choice to their UCAS application.

Clearing can be a valuable option for students to secure a place at a UK university, even if their IB results are not as high as anticipated.

Moving Forward: After Results, Comes the Future!

Regardless of the results, it’s important to remind your child that their IB scores do not define their future. Results are simply one step in a long and rewarding journey! The resilience and perseverance students develop through the IB program are invaluable skills that are sure to serve them well in future.

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About The Author
Editorial Team
Live news, features and in-depth reviews reporting from the Global Editorial and News Desk teams in the UK and the UAE. The SchoolsCompared Editorial Team combines more than a century of global experience in journalism. To contact us with news in confidence please email [email protected].

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