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Rising Dengue Fever Cases in Dubai Schools: How Schools and Parents are Now Protecting Children from Dengue. What Can You Do?

Schools in Dubai are taking precautionary measures to protect their students against the spread of dengue fever. With the United Arab Emirates (UAE) experiencing a major increase in dengue fever cases, we look at how GEMS Education schools across the country are now stepping up to mitigate parent concerns and care for children.

What is Dengue Fever? Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral infection which spreads primarily through the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Cases are now increasing globally – and the UAE’s warm climate provides an ideal breeding ground for these mosquitoes. Severe weather, including storms, rain and humidity, provide the greatest risk that Dengue cases will increase. The implications for children, and for schools, are profound and multifaceted, these leading both parents and educators to work together to manage Dengue Fever cases.

Dengue in Dubai Schools: The Current Situation

Recent reports indicate a sharp uptick in dengue fever cases across the UAE. Health authorities have confirmed multiple outbreaks in various emirates, prompting a nationwide alert. The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) has intensified surveillance and spread control measures, including extensive fumigation and public awareness campaigns.

The fight back against Dengue Fever begins as UAE Health Ministry issues urgent guidance and puts Health Professionals and Hospitals on alert. Here we see the actions of troopers fighting mosquito infestations with smoke guns.

The fight back against Dengue Fever begins as UAE Health Ministry issues urgent guidance and puts Health Professionals and Hospitals on alert. Here we see the actions of troopers fighting mosquito infestations with smoke guns.

Despite these efforts, the number of cases continues to climb, and Dengue Fever now poses a significant challenge for public health officials, parents and school leaders.

GEMS Education: Proactive Measures in Schools

At GEMS Education, preventing the spread of dengue fever is just one element of the group’s approach to minimising the risk and spread of infectious diseases for all students.

Speaking exclusively to, Zafar Raja, Group Chief Operating Officer, GEMS Education, explained how the group’s prevention and mitigation strategies are designed to help children, teachers and parents:

“At GEMS Education, the health and safety of our students and staff are of paramount importance. We have comprehensive protocols in place to prevent and mitigate the risk of infectious diseases, including dengue fever.


“We have implemented rigorous mosquito control measures, including regular fumigation of school premises and surrounding areas, and elimination of all standing water sources. These efforts aim to reduce the mosquito population, which is the primary vector of dengue fever.

“We also actively educate our students, staff, and parents about the risks, symptoms, and preventive actions related to dengue fever. This includes distributing informative materials and integrating health education into the school curriculum. We emphasize the importance of wearing protective clothing, using mosquito repellents, and maintaining personal hygiene.

“In the event of a suspected or confirmed case of an infectious disease, we have established protocols to manage the situation promptly and effectively. While dengue fever is not contagious from person to person, our general protocols include the isolation of affected individuals, notification to health authorities, thorough cleaning of affected areas, and ongoing monitoring of the health status of other students and staff. Our school medical teams are well-trained to handle such situations.

“GEMS is fully aligned with the guidelines and recommendations of the UAE health regulators, ensuring our approach meets the highest health and safety standards. We are committed to maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment for all and continue to monitor the situation closely, adapting our strategies as necessary.”

Dengue Fever: What are Dengue Fever Symptoms in School Age Children?

Dengue fever symptoms are similar in children and adults. Symptoms typically appear in 4 to 10 days after a mosquito bite. Parents are advised to look for high fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle pain, rash, and mild bleeding such as nosebleeds or easy bruising.

It is possible that children may experience symptoms more severely than adults.

Dengue can progress very quickly in children, leading to complications such as dengue haemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome. These severe forms may present with symptoms like severe abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, and bleeding gums. Early detection and prompt medical intervention are crucial to manage the disease effectively and prevent serious outcomes.

Dengue Fever in the UAE cases rise after weather changes and floods.

Dengue Fever in the UAE cases rise after weather changes and floods.

Dengue Fever in UAE Schools: The Questions Every Parent MUST Ask hopes that all schools and nurseries, across the UAE are taking similar precautions to those in place at GEMS. To help parents find out, we have prepared the following list of questions to ask schools to be sure that schools are doing all they can to make sure children are safe:

  • How often are the school grounds inspected for signs of mosquitoes?
  • How does the school manage onsite water to prevent mosquito breeding?
  • How do you intend to educate the school community about dengue fever?
  • Is the school in touch with the relevant health authorities regarding dengue fever?
  • If my child show symptoms of Dengue Fever what should I do?
  • Are you checking for Dengue Fever symptoms in school?
  • What can I expect if you identify children with Dengue Fever?

The rise in dengue fever cases in the UAE is a serious public health issue that comes with significant implications for schools. Proactive measures, including enhanced health and safety protocols, awareness campaigns, and collaboration with health authorities, are essential in order to protect students and staff. By taking these steps, schools can help mitigate the impact of dengue fever and ensure a safe learning environment. As the situation evolves, continued vigilance and adaptability will be key to managing the situation in schools.

Further information

UAE Health warning to parents and schools Dengue Fever following floods and weather changes with climate crisis

Read our full Original report on Dengue Fever?

Read our full latest health advice and what you can do

What is dengue hemorrhagic fever?

What is dengue shock fever?

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