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Breaking the Bank? Latest Dubai School Fees Revealed as KHDA Uncovers the True Cost of Education in All Dubai Schools. How Much Will You Pay?

Breaking the Bank? Latest Dubai School Fees Revealed in Full by KHDA

In a move set to bring about greater transparency around Dubai school fees, the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) has released the latest round of comprehensive school fee fact sheets for all private schools. What’s more, every private school in Dubai has now also released their fee structure for the coming academic year.

What (or Who!) is the KHDA?

The KHDA is a government authority responsible for the growth and quality of private education in Dubai. It works to ensure that all students in Dubai schools receive a high-quality education. Releasing school fee fact sheets is just one element of the KHDA’s ongoing efforts to improve transparency around the hot topic of school fees in Dubai.

What Are the Dubai School Fee Fact Sheets and Why Should I Be Interested?

The school fee fact sheets are detailed documents that outline the fees charged by private schools in Dubai. These sheets provide a breakdown of all costs associated with attending each school, including:

Tuition Fees: The basic cost of education for the academic year.

Additional Fees: Any extra charges for activities, books, uniforms, transportation, and other services.

Discounts and Scholarships: Information on available financial aid or discounts for siblings, early payment, etc.

Fee Increases: Historical data on how fees have changed over the years and any anticipated increases.

Dubai Education Costs: Why Are The KHDA Fact Sheets Important?

While school fee information has generally been available on each individual school’s website, the format is not uniform, and the information may not always contain the full picture – with the official KHDA-approved fees sometimes markedly different from the amount that parents end up paying when additional fees are included. 

A leading figure in the KHDA had this to say of the fact sheet initiative:

“Dubai is committed to supporting an environment that enables parents, students, and schools to engage with each other and make choices based on clear information. Through the School Fees Fact Sheet, parents can understand a school’s complete fee structure at a glance. This will help them make better decisions about their children’s schooling. When there’s transparency on fees, both parents and schools can better focus on children’s growth. We’re grateful to private schools in Dubai for their support in making the fact sheets accessible to their parent communities.”

How to Access the Dubai School Fee Fact Sheets

Find out exactly how much you will pay here.

The Lowdown on the Cost of Education in Dubai: How Much Will I Pay?

The cost of private schooling in Dubai varies significantly based on the school’s location, curriculum, facilities, and reputation. While some parents with children at schools at the lower end of the fee spectrum will be paying around AED 15,000 per year, parents with children in Year 13 at Kings’ Al Barsha (now believed to be the most expensive school in the Emirate) can expect to pay more than AED 100,000 for their child’s final year at school. These figures often exclude additional costs such as uniforms, books, extracurricular activities, and transportation, which can add several thousand dirhams to the total yearly expense.


Dubai School Fees, a letter to parents

A letter to parents at Kings’ School Al Barsha, confirming that their fees have risen to more than AED 100,000

Dubai schools can increase their fees at regular intervals, adding yet more pressure to family budgets. For most private schools, the KHDA ring-fences such increases and aligns them with the school’s overall performance.  This year, just one school, Dubai Heights Academy, has chosen to forgo a permitted increase, and reduce their school fees. 

The picture is different again at Dubai’s popular not-for-profit schools, such as JESS (Jumeirah English Speaking School).  Not-for-profit schools are exempt from the constraints of the KHDA fee mandate, a fact which has seen JESS parents now invoiced up to 9% more for school fees than they were just three years ago.

Are Schools in Dubai the Most Expensive in the World?

In short, no! When compared to private education costs in other countries, Dubai school fees are high but perhaps not exceptional. The United Kingdom, for example, has private school fees can ranging from £15,000 to £40,000 per year (approximately AED 70,000 to AED 190,000). In the United States, private school tuition can vary widely, from $10,000 to $50,000 per year (approximately AED 36,000 to AED 184,000), depending on the school’s prestige and location. Similarly, in Singapore, international school fees typically range from SGD 20,000 to SGD 40,000 per year (approximately AED 54,000 to AED 109,000).

So, while Dubai’s private education costs are substantial, they are on par with other global education hotspots.

There is More to Choosing a School than Just Fees! was born from the belief that parents need both hard data and firsthand insights to make the very best school choice for their children. Our team of experts prides itself on providing news and views not just from us, but from parents and students too. At, we believe that fees are just one element of choosing a school. Parents need to understand academic quality, extracurricular offerings, effectiveness, and the overall school environment too.

The KHDA’s release of school fee fact sheets is a significant step towards greater transparency in education costs in Dubai. These documents provide parents with crucial information which, alongside, can help them navigate the complex landscape of private schooling.

For More Information on Dubai School Fee Fact Sheets, visit the KHDA’s official website today.

Visit Dubai Heights Academy’s website: HERE. 

Visit the office JESS website: HERE. 

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