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The School Visit Checklist – What You Need to Look For…

The School Visit Checklist – What You Need to Look For…

by Lis ONealApril 2, 2017

This checklist provides a summary of the main impressions we think you will want to take away from a school visit. Many of the questions will be covered as you tour the school. Some will require you to ask if the Tour leader does not provide the information. Some questions may not be relevant to you.

You may find a printable version here

We suggest you use the checklist to add your personal impressions to the school comparisons that you make on


Name of school
Inspection rating
Number of students attending the school
Total capacity of the school
Number of students per class


First impressions Yes No
Is my reception friendly and organised?
Academic or non-academic staff showing me the school?
Am I one of a crowd or receiving personal attention?
Is the tour tailored to my child’s age group?
Is personal interest shown in my child?







General Facilities and safety Yes No
Does the school provide transport?
Is the access to the school safe and convenient? Is there adequate parking?
Is there a safe and welcoming entry to the school for my child?
Are the reception staff friendly – how do they respond to students?
Are the corridors decorated with student work?  Is the quality good?
Do older and younger students mix – in the corridors, at play times?
Are there separate play areas for younger and older students?
Are the play areas supervised by staff?
Do staff engage with the children at play-time (or are they chatting with each-other)?
Do children show disciplined behaviour inside school, in the playground?





In the classrooms Yes No
Am I able to go inside a classroom during a lesson?
Are the classrooms light, bright and welcoming?
Are the classrooms spacious?
Do the classrooms have up to date technology (interactive white boards or similar)?
Is the classroom furniture appropriate and in good condition?
Are there plenty of resources and materials in the classroom appropriate to my child’s age?
Are there washroom facilities close-by and are they in good condition?
Are the students busy and engaged?
Does the teacher have the attention of the students?





Common Facilities Yes No
Is there an auditorium or hall for assemblies and performances?
Is there an indoor sports hall?
Is there a swimming pool?
Is there a cafeteria?
Are hot meals available?




Specialist Facilities Yes No
Are there specialist Science rooms?
Are there specialist IT rooms?
Are I-pads and/or laptops provided?
Is there a “bring your own device” policy?
Are there specialist Food Technology rooms?
Are there specialist Music Rooms?
Are there specialist Art and Design rooms?
Are there specialist Performing Arts (Ballet, Black box, Drama) rooms?
Are there specialist Language rooms?
Is there a library and library time within the timetable?





Extracurricular activities Yes No
Does the school offer a range of Extra-curricular activities?
Are children required to participate in these?
Are there activities led by teachers and free of charge?
Are activities led by external providers?  Are these activities charged for?
Are school buses timetabled to transport children after Extra-curricular activities?





Staffing Answer
How long has the Principal been with the school?
Where are the majority of teachers from?
What is the staff turnover % at the school?
What is the minimum post-qualification experience of the staff?
What is the mix of newly qualified to experienced staff?
How many teachers and assistants per class?
What is the qualification of teaching assistants?
Is there a specialist Learning Support (SEN) Department?
Are there specialist Learning Support Assistants?
Is there specialist English Language Learner support?
Are there additional fees for SEN and ELL support?





Communication Yes No
Does the school send out regular updates on school activities?
Do the teachers send out regular updates on class activities?
Is there a communication book or email address by which you can communicate with your child’s teacher(s)?
Does the school hold regular Parent-Teacher meetings?
If you need to speak to staff, are they available at specific times?
Is there an Open Door policy for meeting with Senior Managers?





Disciplinary policies Yes No
Is there a clear disciplinary policy in relation to bullying?
Is there a policy in relation to the use of mobile phones and/or social media in school?
Are there clear policies in relation to other disciplinary issues of which parents are made aware?





Other comments – use this box to note down any other impressions that are important to you.








About The Author
Lis ONeal

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