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The Prophesy Tower. Chapter 58. Write a Novel Challenge.

The Prophesy Tower. Chapter 58. Write a Novel Challenge.

As they strayed further away from the elevator, Archie spotted the creature in purple robes morph into its human form. Its robes danced in the empty air, giving a sense of comfort. Her hair drifted like feathers in the wind, enhancing her beauty. The creature’s face no longer screamed menace and harm, but youth and elegance. Without warning, its azure eyes caught his, and he looked away in fright.

“Sit,” it commanded. Suddenly, a chair formed from the debris, urging him to perch upon it.

They were at what seemed like an abandoned part of the building, the darkness lurking in every corner. The only source of light, strangely hovered above them, unearthing the swimming dust. There was no escape from this open prison.

“Have you noticed any strange behaviour with Neina?” Janus lowered himself to Archie’s gaze, “She’s not who you think she is.” With bewilderment worn on his face, Archie was about to raise a query when she shot him a glare.

“Well, she fainted a few times this week.”

A shock of pain triggered a wince, revealing a maroon-stained blouse. The creature spoke again, revealing her name. “Call me Isla.” She spoke caringly. “As Janus mentioned, we are your saviours, Neina’s saviours. Neina’s ability to switch between both worlds has awakened. Who knows what else will? With your help, we’re going to stop her from misusing her power before it’s late. She might kill you like she did with her mother.”

Before Archie bombarded them with questions, they strolled into the black curtain surrounding them. Janus turned around to face him, mouthing the words, “We’ll meet again.”

The two figures, barely visible, curled up, their skin seemingly dripping and solidifying around them, to construct two black chairs. Windows, that appeared from nothing, spilled rays of ethereal light into the room, blinding Archie. He stumbled backwards and fell on a soft carpet. Opening his eyes, he found himself in his office.

Hazed, Archie spotted the bouquet of flowers in perfect condition on his desk. Regaining his composure, he reached for the foreign note which accompanied the bouquet. It read:

“To save the one you love, venture to the blue room. There, you’ll find the solution.”

He studied the blue note, flipping it, desperately searching for hints he missed. Remembering that he was injured, he briskly slithered his hand up and down his stomach, finding nothing. He snapped back into reality when the gold door handle twisted.

With a strong aroma about her, Neina barged in. Archie eagerly hid the bouquet with his well-made frame. With a puzzled smile, she trudged towards him, handing him a cup of fresh coffee. He nervously smiled whilst taking a sip.

“Do you want to go to that café tomorrow, since we’re free?” Neina asked with her adorable face – this was usually effective. Archie chuckled unnaturally.

“Sure, we’ll even order the usual.”

“I smell lilies,” she blurted.

This was the moment Archie had planned for weeks, and even though there was a disturbance in his plan, he was determined to make it work for Neina. With adrenaline pumping in his veins, and his heart hammering into his chest uncontrollably, Archie bellowed, “I have something to ask you.” He knelt on one knee, holding the bouquet meaningfully. Neina, still comprehending her situation, tried to compose herself. “Will you marry me?”

Neina’s eyes glossed, now blinking constantly, and her breathing shallowed. “Yes!” Her voice cracked in excitement. She was captivated by the view in front of her.

In the soft bed of purple petals, a burgundy box lay humbly. Her hand brushed through the delicate flowers, enjoying their fragrance as she picked it up cautiously. She opened the box and took the ring out, holding it with two long fingers.

The ring was rose gold, with a natural, vivid emerald sparkling from its head on shank setting. Golden waves with tiny pools of diamond hugged the sides of the gem. The emerald ring complemented her chocolate brown, slender finger.

She plunged into Archie’s embrace with pure joy. Archie felt like multiple chains of hesitation had broken at that moment. He wrapped his arms around Neina’s back and pulled her in close, tightly.

“I love you,” the corner of Archie’s lips flew upwards, his heart all fluttery.

The day had closed, and both had parted ways. Archie walked past the dim alleyway of his quiet neighbourhood and twisted the key to his house. Exhausted, he hung his coat and reached for the switch. He expected to illuminate the room, but it didn’t. Frustrated, he reached for the switch again, but his hand only flayed in thin air.

The sudden unfamiliarity of the room struck him: this wasn’t Earth. The fuzzy texture of his carpet was absent; instead, cold concrete froze the soles of his feet. The air around him carried frostiness. The walls numbed his fingertips, and his steps rang through a long hallway. At the end of this mysterious tunnel, a lonely door stood, light breaking out of its corners and edges. With sizzling curiosity, he strode hastily towards the door and turned its golden handle, its rust rasped against his skin.

Covid 19 Write a Novel Challenge Exploding with Blue Stars

The whole room exploded with blue. Stars drawn with white chalk occupied the walls, and the blue floorboards creaked at his slightest movements. The room was dimly lit from an unknown light source. A strong stench of chemicals infiltrated his nostrils, making him dizzy. Despite the slight blur in his vision, he caught a glimpse of two figures forming on the other side of the room.

“You’re obedient for a human,” Janus praised. Beside him, Isla was rummaging through her yellow purse.

“Where are we?” Archie queried. Janus smiled.

“You are in Mors World now. Things don’t work the same way here like it does there,” he replied.

“How exactly do you plan to help Neina?”

Isla scoffed. “We’ll get to that later,” she replied hastily, holding unknown materials, “right now, you need to give her these. Make sure she doesn’t know it’s you.”

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The Prophesy Tower – A Novel.

To read Chapter 1, click here.

To read Chapter 2, click here.

To read Chapter 3, click here.

To read Chapter 4, click here.

To read Chapter 5, click here.

To read Chapter 6, click here.

To read Chapter 7, click here.

To read Chapter 8, click here.

To read Chapter 9, click here.

To read Chapter 10, click here.

To read Chapter 11, click here.

To read Chapter 12, click here.

To read Chapter 13, click here.

To read Chapter 14, click here.

To read Chapter 15, Click here.

To read Chapter 16, click here.

To read Chapter 17, click here.

To read Chapter 18, click here.

To read Chapter 19, click here.

To read Chapter 20, click here.

To read Chapter 21, click here.

To read Chapter 22, click here.

To read Chapter 23, click here.

To read Chapter 24, click here.

To read Chapter 26. click here.

To read Chapter 27, click here.

To read Chapter 28, click here.

To read Chapter 29, click here.

To read Chapter 30, click here.

To read Chapter 31, click here.

To read Chapter 32, click here.

To read Chapter 33, click here.

To read Chapter 34, click here.

To read Chapter 35, click here

To read Chapter 36, click here.

To read Chapter 37, click here.

To read Chapter 38, click here.

To read Chapter 39, click here.

To read Chapter 40, click here.

To read Chapter 41, click here.

To read Chapter 42, click here.

To read Chapter 43, click here.

To read Chapter 44, click here.

To read Chapter 45, click here.

To read Chapter 46, click here

To read Chapter 47, click here.

To read Chapter 48, click here.

To read Chapter 49, click here.

To read Chapter 50, click here.

To read Chapter 51, click here.

To read Chapter 52, click here.

To read Chapter 53, click here.

To read Chapter 54, click here.

To read Chapter 55, click here.

To read Chapter 56, click here.

To read Chapter 57, click here.

To read Chapter 58, click here.

About The Author
Ma. Yvana Fiona Kassandra Sager Dugenio
Ma. Yvana Fiona Kassandra Sager Dugenio is fourteen years old, Pilipino and a student in Year 9 at Star International School Al Twar. Ms Dugenio said:"I am glad to participate in this challenge. Here is my masterpiece. I hope you enjoy it!"

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